Home Fragrances – Scented Candles and Diffusers


When you are considering home fragrances, do your thoughts turn to scented candles or the more modern electrical diffusers? When you are turning your home into a beautiful place to live and relax you will generally make careful choices of which fabrics to use, which carpets to buy, the colour of your paint or the pattern of your wallpaper. You take time in choosing the sofa and chairs, the coffee table and the pictures.

Then you turn to the accessories which add that extra something to your decor. It is the vases and the grasses, the statues and the flowers, that make a real difference and stamp your personality on each room. One important factor to add to the ambiance of your home is the use of perfumes to make the room not only look good but also smell good.

Using scented candles offers four distinct advantages to a room that cannot be emulated by any form of diffuser, particularly by an electrical oil diffuser.

The Smell: Scented candles give off a fabulous aroma and you have a massive range of scents to choose from that not only smell great but also can help to change your mood. These range from lavender or chamomile to calm you and bergamot to lift your mood to tangerine that keeps you feeling happy. You can have a variety of floral smells, and others such as the popular vanilla or peppermint aromas.

The scent given off from a candle seems to be more natural than that of an electrical diffuser. There’s nothing like walking into a room with lovely scented candle. Some people prefer incense sticks, but they can’t hold a candle to a candle!

The Looks: The look of a candle is far more attractive than an electrical diffuser. There are many different types of environmentally friendly candle such as those made from soy which last twenty to thirty times longer than normal paraffin wax or stearine candles. The looks are fashioned not only by their colour, but also in their wide range of shapes and designs.

There is the simple tea light, used not only as accent lighting but also as decorative floating candles and to heat scented oils. They are also used as votive candles (candles used for prayer), and get their name from their origins as small candles used to heat small teapots or kettles. Larger candles, fashioned from layers of differently coloured wax, are available in a wide range of sizes, colours and designs, and are much more decorative than scented oil diffusers.

The Stands: The ornamental stands available for candles can make a tremendous difference to an otherwise ordinary room. You can use the traditional style of candlesticks for longer candles, and a variety of ornamental stands and trees to hold shorter votive candles, both inside your home and out in the garden. Scented candles bring a beautiful perfume to your patio on warm summer evenings, or you can place them around your batch when bathing. You can also purchase extremely attractive candle holders to add to the creative design of your room aromatherapy diffuser B0BN8G88YY.

The Light: The fourth advantage is that of the light a candle produces. There is nothing more attractive than the flickering glow of a scented candle. Just imagine the lights switched off in your living room or bedroom and the shadows given off by the low glow of a flickering candle. The lighting is romantic and warm and comforting, not even dimmer switches can beat the glow from a candle. It wins hands down against an electrical diffuser for this benefit alone.

The wonderful thing about candles is that they can be placed in any room and they will not only add to the decor, but the scent will fill the room with a beautiful aroma changing its feel as you enter it. From having tea lights floating in your bath to using decorative candles in your bedroom for a lovely romantic glow, they offer a degree of flexibility in their use that an oil diffuser can never match, particularly an electrical diffuser.

Your lounge could be made into a cosy area of rest with the scent of lavender floating around the room as you relax after a busy day, the warm glow of the candle attracting your eye. You could even turn your kitchen into an aromatic delight with scents to make you feel good while you prepare meals or just sit and relax with a magazine.

Why choose an electric oil diffuser and use up your electricity when you could use something far more attractive which stimulates your senses with light and smell, and can be part of a great design feature for your home? If you are worried about melting wax then choose a jar candle or tea lights which do not have the problem of wax dripping down the candle as it is all contained in the jar. These are most attractive and safe for your home.

That is how you make your house a home, with attractive scented candles topping off the creative design of each room. That is why so many people use them and why they are so popular.

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